
The first weapon we want to present, probably is the most common and popular. As you may have guessed, this sword. This simple and banal weapons we've seen in a variety of different games, so Team Bloodlust had to work hard to put this boring lronburg unusual and interesting.

Fantastic, a beautiful pattern on the blade and handle skillfully made, abundant fine detail, looks simply amazing. Hell, he seemed real! The weapons simply radiates rage. Yes, it was furious, because never before in an MMO sword does not look so aggressively. This nastroyaschee murder weapon. Team Bloodlust has done an excellent job of breathing life into old classics.

Gloves of Kung-Fu Masters - cruelweapon which can bring down a hail of devastating attacks on the opponent. Once again, Team Bloodlust not restrained itself, detailing the weapon. Gloves look elegant and beautiful, but there is in them that something sinister.

One of the unique samples of weapon in Blade and Soul - Ki-Hong Pi for Force Master. This is a one-handed weapon, resembling an elegant ribbon. It is attached to the wrist masters forces, greatly improving their opportunities and increasing their attacks and spells. This elegant weapon well suited sophisticated "magicians" of the world Blade & Soul. Knowing the rich imagination of Korean designers, I think we expect a very creative types of such weapons. Casters will finally be spared the need to carry a long staff.

And finally, the most devastating of all weapons - an axe. Axe can swing from side to side, causing damage to multiple enemies. Or just bring down his heavy blade right on the head of an opponent, causing enormous damage and knocking him off his feet. Designed specifically that axe is not as impressive as the others, but it looks pretty good.

Team Bloodlust has done an incredible job designing these instruments of death and destruction that we all will use.